Practice Test 6

In the Listening Test 6, you will hear 4 audio recordings and answer questions 1-40 based on them.

Section 1 is about a police detective questioning Mrs Jones about a crime

Section 2 is an introduction to big town universities resources by the head of the student services.

Section 3 is a conversation between 2 college students who are talking about the History of flights

Section 4 is a monologue about Ecological functions of the forest.

Section 1

Questions 1-10

Answer the question in ONE WORD.

What’s the name of the detective?

Example: Smith

Q. 1-4

Complete the form below.

Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.

Witness’s family name Jones
Given names 1 __________  Susan
Sex Female
Age 2 ________________years old
Address 3 39 ___________Garden Terrace
Home telephone 4 ___________
Mobile phone None

Q. 5

Complete the following sentence with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

5 Mrs. Jones looked at her watch because she wanted to be back home in time to make ___________.

Q. 6

Choose the correct answers A-C and write them next to 6 on your answer sheet

6 Mrs Jones height is

A five feet four inches.

B five feet five inches.

C one hundred and twenty centimeters.

Q.7 and 8

Complete each of the following sentences with ONE WORD.

7 The British police now use the________system.

8 The man was wearing a__________ hat.

Q. 9 and 10

Choose the correct answers A-E and write them next to 9-10 on your answer sheet

The man who ran out of the shop was

A definitely wearing a grey jacket.

B wearing red and white basketball shoes.

C wearing grey trousers.

D wearing dark trousers.

E overweight.

Section 2

Questions 11-20

Q. 11- 13

Choose the correct answers A-C and write them next to 11-13 on your answer sheet

11 Robert Black’s talk will mostly be about__________.

A all the university resources

B resources for student welfare

C research facilities

12 The Student Services Department basic job is to help students________.

A study welt

B stay well

C enjoy their studies

13 Students will get depressed if they________.

A don’t manage time properly

B are Jess clever students

C are most hard-working students

Q. 14 and 15

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Robert Black suggests that depressed students should talk to parents, 14____________. and 15__________.

Q. 16

Answer the following question in NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

16 What office has a database of off-campus accommodation?__________________.

Q. 17 and 18

Complete the following sentence with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

The green club works very closely with the 17_____________and 18___________

Q.19 and 20

Choose TWO correct answers A-E and write them next to 19-20 on your answer sheet

The Student Health Centre __________.

A contains the Sports Medicine Clinic

B is open from 9 a.m. to 6m. every day

C is between the fitness centre and the football stadium

D always has a nurse on duty

E provides free treatment for all students

Section 3

Question 21-30

Q. 21

Complete the following sentence with THREE WORDS.

21 Sue’s father was an_________________.

Q. 22-25

Complete the form below.

Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer

                                                 Wilbur                                       Orville

Place of birth (state)         22_________                        Ohio

Date of birthday (year)   23_________                          1871

Date of death (year)         1912                                               24_________ 

Cause of death                   25_________ 

Q. 26-30

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer

26 What first got the Wright Brothers interested in flying?  A ________

27 What type of aircraft was the first one they made?_____________

28 Who thought they were crazy?_____________

29 On his first attempt to fly on December 14, 1903, what part of the plane did Wilbur make a mistake with?_______________

30 What part of the plane hit a hillside?_______________

Section 4

Questions 31-40

Q. 31 and 32

Choose the correct answers A-C and write them next to 31-32 on your answer sheet.

31 The rate of deforestation worldwide is_______________.

A one hectare a second

B more than 31 million hectares a year

C like losing an area of forest the size of Poland every year

Question 32

Write ONE WORD ONLY for your answer.

32 What do domesticated cereals regularly need from their wild relatives?_______

Q. 33-35

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for your answer.

List three types of the ecosystem that the speaker says are very rich in plant and animal species.





Complete the following sentences.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

36 The speaker says_______releases methane into the atmosphere.

37 The speaker says that after deforestation,________have more floods.

38 Coral is mainly being destroyed by eroded soil, warming seawater, chemical pollution, and____.

39 Outdoor activities like birdwatching are examples of___________activities.

40 ________have shown that forests are worth more as forests than they are as timber.


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