Practice Test 17

In Listening Test 17, you will hear 4 audio recordings and answer questions 1-40 based on them.

Section 1 is a conversation between a man and a saleswoman about car rentals.

Section 2 is a conversation between an interviewer and interviewee about the last holiday location they choose.

Section 3 is a monologue on how to teach different types of learners.

Section 4 is a lecture on note-taking.

Section 1

Question 1-10

Q. 1-4

Complete the following information about the cars available for rental.


Name Size Miles per gallon Price
IOTA small 20 £23
COMBI medium 18 £28.75
ROADSTER 1 ________ 2________ 3________

* Prices include tax and 4________

Q. 5-7

Complete the following information using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS for each gap.

Name David 5________
Company 6________
Address 7________, Arlington Close, Baddleton, Yorkshire
Telephone 0675934 888

Q. 8-10

Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS for each gap.

8 In the car, there is a ________ and a torch.

9 The registration number of the car is ________

10 The car uses a ________ locking system.

Section 2

Question 11-20

Q. 11-14

Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS for each answer.

11 How did the traveller hear about New York? ________

12 How many times had the traveller flown by plane? ________

13 What surprised the traveller about New York’s airport? ________

14 What happened in London? ________

Q. 15-17

Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

15 The traveler liked the different kinds of ________

16 Things that the traveler didn’t like in New York were the ________

17 From the flat, the traveler could see the ________

Q. 18-20

Choose the correct answers A-D and write them next to 18-20 on your answer sheet.

18 The traveler found New Yorkers to be ________

A kind.

B rude.

C pushy.

D helpful.

19 Which people showed the traveler around New York?

A Her friend

B Her friends

C Her friends’ neighbors

D Strangers

20 What events did the traveler see?

A chess tournament

B The Annual Feast of San Gennaro

C The Annual African American Day Parade

D The Richmond County Fair

Section 3

Question 21-30

Q. 21-24

Complete the notes on how to teach kinaesthetic learners, using only ONE word for each gap.

21 Use gestures – especially _______ones.

22 Spell out words in the ________

23 Put a ________ on the board and students label it.

24 Students ________ out words and others guess them.

Q. 25-27

Complete the following sentences about visual learners, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

25 Flashcards can be different colours according to the________

26 Students can word in texts and ask their partners for meanings ________

27 Lastly, Tina points out that can be used ________

Q. 28-30

Complete the summary on auditory learners, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

Students listen to a 28________ and draw what they hear, or the teacher could describe a picture and the teacher and students can see whose picture was closest to the original.

Each student gets a flashcard and holds up their card when the 29________ is used in a song, poem or story. Students add a sentence to a story, including the word on their flashcard.

The teacher gives the students lyrics with some words replaced by 30________ words. Students listen to the song and make corrections.

Section 4

Question 31-40

Q. 31-33

Complete the following sentences according to the information given by the tutor.

Use NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

31 Note-taking improves your ability to ________ on what the speaker says.

32 Note-taking allows you to get a ________ of the material being presented.

33 There are many ways of taking notes, but they must allow you to ________ contained in them and connect them together.

Q. 34-38

Complete the following notes according to the information given by the tutor.

Use NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each gap.

Title of lecture Write it down 34________
Direct signals For example 35________ “ you get this down.”
Indirect signals Pausing. Speaking slowly, loudly. Using stress.
Repetition 36________ and add new information.
Book recommendation Tutor usually 37________ reading the whole book.
General advice Avoid repetition. 38________ obvious points.
Summarize important ideas.

Q. 39-40

Complete the following notes on recommended books.


Title Author Suggested units
39________ Tony Lynch 6 and 12
Learning to Study in English Brian Heaton and Don Dunmore 40________


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