Practice Test 4

In Listening Test 4, you will hear 4 audio recordings and answer questions 1-40 based on what you hear.

Section 1 is a conversation between Fred and Mary about a farewell party.

Section 2 is a brief introduction of college by Richard Thomas who is head of the chemistry department in the college.

Section 3 is a conversation between 2 students who are talking about a survey.

Section 4 is a lecture on Corporate crimes.

Section 1

Questions 1-10

Choose the correct letter, A-C

Whose idea was it to hold the party?

A. Fred’s                        B. A few close friends                            C. Mary’s

Example: A

Q. 1

Choose the correct answers A-C and write them next to 1 on your answer sheet

1 How much time do Mary and Fred have to prepare everything for the party?

A About four hours

B Two hours

C About three hours

Q. 2 and 3

Answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

2 Where did Fred leave the list of things to do?_______________________

3 What time did Jim say he would arrive at Fred’s house?___________________

Q. 4

Choose the correct answers A-C and write them next to 4 on your answer sheet

4 How much wine will Mary buy?

A 15 bottles of red and IS white

B 15 white and 35 red

C 25 red and 15 white

Q. 5

On the map below, choose the letter representing the liquor store. Note: S means ‘supermarket’


Q. 6

Answer the question. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS.

6 Where are the glasses that Sally borrowed? __________________

Q. 7 and 8

Choose the correct answers A-E and write them next to 7 -8 on your answer sheet

The meat for the barbecue are flavoured with 7___________& 8___________.

A Salt

B Chilli

C Garlic

D Pepper

E Honey

Q. 9 and 10

Answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

9 Apart from French bread, what is another thing that Mary will buy?_____________

10 What will she carry it/them in?______________


IELTS Listening Actual Tests and Answers (Oct 2021 – Jan 2022) | eBook + Audio + Tapescripts

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Written by professional IELTS teachers to help candidates on the big day

Section 2

Question 11-20

Q. 11-12

Answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND A NUMBER for each answer.

11 What is the name of the college?__________________

12 When was the college founded?___________________

Q. 13 and 14

Choose two correct answers A-E and write them net to 13-14 on your answer sheet

Why did the school move out of London?

A The surroundings had become unpleasant

B It was given some cheap land in east England.

C An English millionaire gave the school 65 million pounds.

D The Second World War started

E Sir Gifford Reads gave the school a big sum of money to move.

Q. 15

Answer the following question. Write A NUMBER.

15 What year did the school open in cast England?______________

Question 16

Choose the correct answers A-C and write them next to 16 on your answer sheet

16 In 1858, the school had_________________.

A just female students

B just male students

C both male and female students

Question 17-19

Complete the following sentences. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

In fact, the school is very famous for its 17__________________.The 18 ______________, used to say, A 19_____________ in a healthy body’

Question 20

Choose the correct answers A-C and write them next to 20 on your answer sheet.

20 What team sports does Mr. Thomas say are played at the school?

A Rugby, soccer, and American football

B Basketball and water polo

C Soccer and cricket

Section 3

Question 21-30

Q. 21

Choose the correct answers A-C and write them next to 21 on your answer sheet.

A John and Ann have both finished writing their survey reopens.

B John has finished and Ann has nearly finished.

C Both of them have nearly finished.

Q. 22 and 23

Complete the following sentences. Write ONE WORD OR A NUMBER for each answer.

22 The X axis of John’s graph is the____________ variable.

23 John divided his survey population into____________ groups.

Question 24

Choose the correct answers A-C and write them next to 24 on your answer sheet.

24 The relationship between time spent watching TV and reading ability is____________.

A the same for teenagers as it is for people in their fifties

B almost the same for people in their forties as it is for those in their fifties

C very different between teenagers and people in their twenties

Question 25-26

Choose the correct answer and write them next to 25-26 on your answer sheet.

John’s survey shows that

25 people now in their fifties read as much as they used to.

True               False                   Not Given

26 forty and fifty-year-old watch television more than they used to and their reading level have not declined.

True                False                  Not Given

Question 27-30


Complete the following sentences.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

27 On the above chart, the arrow point the percentage of _______________ people.

28 The Y (horizontal) axis is the usual number of _________________ meals per ______________.

29 Ann ask people about their eating, weight, and __________________.

30 Richard weighs 260 kilograms, short, fat and _______________.

Section 4

Questions 31-40

Questions 31

Choose the correct answers A-C and write them next to 31 on your answer sheet

31 What types of Corporate crime will the course cover?

A All white-collar crime

B Cases of CEOs bribing government officials without telling their colleagues

C Cases involving corporate culture

Questions 32-36

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

The course will try to identify what corporate criminals share in terms of 32___________ and 33__________ .An interesting part of corporate crime is the 34_____________ of detection, trial, and punishment. Before it is detected by the 35_____________, it often seems that it goes on for an unreasonable length of time. There is also a 36_______________ that people found guilty of corporate crimes are treated more leniently by the courts.

Question 37

Choose the correct answers A-C and write them next to 37 on your answer sheet

37 In 1980, the Ford Motor Company was put on trial for______________.

A reckless homicide

B tax evasion

C corporate greed

Questions 38-40

Complete the following sentences.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

38 Companies sometimes exaggerate their profits to increase____________________.

39 The Wall Street Journal ran an article saying Enron might have been President Bush’s______________.

40 The Bush administration’s_____________might have been design to help Enron.


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