Practice Test 31

In Listening Test 31, you will hear 4 audio recordings and answer questions 1-40.

Section 1 is a conversation between a man who runs a recruitment agency and a young woman looking for a job.

Section 2 is a conversation among a woman and a group of people who are looking around the sports and leisure centre.

Section 3 is a conversation between 2 students talking about a business study course.

Section 4 is a monologue by a meteorologist about weather forecasting.

Section 1

Questions 1-10

Q. 1-6

Complete the form below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.


Employee record

Example Answer
Surname Riley
Email 1 _______
Nationality 2 _______
Reference Name: John Keen
(professional) Job: Manager of 3 _______
Reference Name: Eileen Dorsini
(personal) Job: 4 _______
Special current 5 _______ certificate
Qualifications certificate of competence in 6 _______

Q. 7-10

Complete the table below.

Write NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each answer.


Location Name Children Special requirements
London Benton girl and boy be keen on 7 _______
near Oxford Granger 8 _______boys be animal-lover
9 _______ Campbell four girls be willing to 10 _______when camping

Section 2

Questions 11-20

Q. 11 and 12

Choose TWO letters A-E. Write your answers in the boxes next to 13-14 on your answer sheet.

Which TWO sources of funding helped build the facility?

A. the central government

B. local government

C. a multinational company

D. a national company

E. city residents



Questions 13 and 14

Choose TWO letters A-E. Write your answers in the boxes next to 13-14 on your answer sheet.

Which TWO pre-existing features of the site are now part of the new facilities?

A football stadium

B playing fields

C passenger hall

D control tower

E aircraft hangars



Questions 15-20

Label the map below. 

Write the correct letter A-H in the boxes next to 15-20 on your answer sheet.

15 hotel

16 transport hub

17 cinema

18 fitness centre

19 shops

20 restaurant

Section 3

Questions 21-30

Q. 21-25

Choose the correct answers A-C and write them next to 21-25 on your answer sheet.

21 What is Chloe concerned about?

A her knowledge of maths

B her ability to write essays

C her lack of business experience

22 Which of the following does Ivan feel he has improved?

A his computer skills

B his presentation skills

C his time management

23 What does Chloe especially like about the course?

A She won’t have to do a final examination.

B She can spend time working in a business.

C She can study a foreign language.

24 Ivan is pleased that the university is going to have _______

A more lecture rooms.

B a larger library.

C more courses.

25 What does Ivan advise Chloe to do?

A contact his tutor

B read about some other universities

C visit the university

Q. 26-30

Choose the correct answers A-C and write them next to 26-30 on your answer sheet’

What does Chloe decide about the following subjects?

A She will study it.

B She won’t study it.

C She might study it.

Section 4

Questions 31-40

Q. 31-35

Complete the notes below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS tor each answer.

History of weather forecasting

Early methods

• Almanacs connected the weather with the positions of different 31 _______ at particular times.

The invention of weather instruments

• A hydrometer showed Levels of 32 _______ (Nicholas Cusa 1450)

• Temperature variations – first measured by a thermometer containing 33 _______ (Galileo Galilei 1595)

• A barometer indicated air pressure (Evangelista Torricelli 1645)

Transmitting weather information

• The use of the 34 _______ allowed information to be passed around the world.

• Daily 35 _______ were produced by the French from 1863.

Q. 36-40

Complete the sentences below.

Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.

Producing a weather forecast

36 Weather observation stations are found mostly at _______ around the country.

37 Satellite images use the colour orange to show _______

38 The satellites give so much detail that meteorologists can distinguish a particular _______

39 Information about the upper atmosphere is sent from instruments attached to a _______

40 Radar is particularly useful for following the movement of _______


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