Practice Test 22

In Listening Test 22, you will hear 4 audio recordings and answer questions 1-40 based on them.

Section 1 is a conversation between a student and a woman about admission in the university.

Section 2 is a lecture by an Indian sociologist on Indian youth.

Section 3 is a conversation between a student and a professor. 

Section 4 is a monologue on the waste recycling process.

Section 1

Question 1-10

Q. 1-4

Choose the correct answers A-D and write them next to 1-4 on your answer sheet.

1 How did the student get the university prospectus?

A From the woman

B From the Internet

C From a friend

D During a visit to the university

2 What is the A-level requirement for the course?




D There is no clear requirement.

3 What A-level is the student taking?

A He doesn’t say.

B He hasn’t started his A-levels yet.

C Politics, a language, and another subject

D Economics, geography, and history

4 Who can use the language lab?

A Only students who have chosen to study a language

B Only students who are preparing for work abroad

C Students who have chosen one of the five languages offered on the course

D Any student

Q. 5-7

Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS for each answer.

5 Who decides the country in which the student will work in year three?____________

6 How many students went to work in either Singapore or Brunei this year? ____________

7 What is the advantage of translating or checking translations? ____________

Q. 8-10

Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

8 The woman points out that the student can teach English and ____________ together.

9 First-year students can study a language or do a project but are ____________ on one.

10 There is no department ____________ for first-year students.

Section 2

Questions 11-20

Q. 11-15

Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR NUMBERS for each answer.

11 According to Mr. Singh, on which thing do many people make superficial observations? ____________

12 According to Mr. Singh, how do cultures change? ____________

13 How many children does Mr. Singh have? ____________

14 According to Mr. Singh, what are young Indians not concerned about? ____________

15 According to Mr. Singh, what great advantage do young Indians have? ____________

Q. 16-20

Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

16 According to Mr. Singh, the biggest problem for young Indians is that their parents ____________ them too much at school.

17 ____________ is becoming more widely available to people in India.

18 Mr. Singh believes that the best way to be successful is to be ____________

19 Mr. Singh believes that Western methods plus the ____________ are an excellent mix.

20 Mr. Singh says his generation could only dream, but the new one can ____________ too.

Section 3

Question 21-30

Q. 21-25

Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR NUMBERS for each answer.

21 When is the deadline for handing in dissertations?____________

22 What should the word count exclude? ____________

23 Who must approve the dissertation topic? ____________

24 What will the students probably spend the second half of April doing? ____________

Q. 26-30

Complete the following statements using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

26 The professor recommends referring to ____________ dissertations.

27 The students already have a printed ____________ to help them with their dissertations.

28 Helen Trailforth’s book is named ____________

29 The library has a ____________ for getting books back from other students if you need them.

30 The professor says that questionnaires may not get interviewees real ____________

Section 4

Questions 31-40

Q. 31-34

Complete the following notes using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each gap.

Lack of preparation can lead to contamination, e.g. forgetting to remove
31 ____________ or including the 32 ____________ of material. The 33 ____________ at the processing facility removes contaminants, but processors may refuse
34 ____________ materials.

Question 35-37

Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

35 MRF is short for ____________

36 At the MRF, trucks are ____________

37 Trucks leave the materials on the ____________

Q. 38-40

Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS for each answer.

38 What are the two types of sorting? ____________

39 What closes the recycling loop?____________

40 What is the current recycling rate? ____________


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Section 1

1. B
2. C
3. D
4. D
5. (the) student
6. none/O
7. (quite) well paid / (the) pay
8. do aid work
9. (only) assessed
10. scholarships

Section 2

11. rock music
12. very slowly
13. two /2
14. politics
15. mobility
16. push/ are pushing
17. Education
18. creative
19. Indian value system
20. achieve

Section 3

21. 28 May
22. contents, references, bibliography
23. (your) personal tutor
24. 8-10 weeks
25. (extra) research
26. other/ previous students
27. research guide
28. Dissertation Research Techniques
29. recall system
30. feelings and opinions

Section 4

31. container lids
32. wrong type
33. sorting process
34. heavily contaminated
35. material recovery facility
36. weighed
37. tipping floor
38. manual and automatic
39. buying recycled products
40. 33.9%


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