Practice Test 20

In this Listening Test, you will hear 4 audio recordings and answer questions 1-40.

Section 1 is a conversation between a man and a researcher.

Section 2 is a seminar on international students and employments in the country.

Section 3 is a conversation between 2 students about culture shock and how to overcome it.

Section 4 is a presentation on an online course.

Section 1

Question 1-10

Q. 1-4

Complete the following information using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR NUMBERS for each blank.

Name William Glass
E-mail 1____________
Date 26 February 2007
Occupation 2____________
Age 29
Marital status 3____________
Children no
Salary 4____________ £ thousand/year

Q. 5-8

Write the appropriate letter on your answer sheet.

Current residence

0-3 months
4-6 months
Moving 7-9 months
10-12 months
Over 12 months

5 Size

A Below 100 sq.m.

B 100-200 sq.m.

C Over 200 sq.m.

6 Ownership

A rented

B owner-occupier

C owned/rented by a company

Future residence

7 Cost    

A up to £50,000

B £50,000 -£100,000

C £100,000-£200,000

D £200,000 – £250,000

E over £250,000

8 Size (excl. garden)

A Below 100 sq.m.

B 100-200 sq.m.

C Over 200 sq.m.

Q. 9 and 10

Answer the following questions and write the appropriate letter(s) on your answer sheet.

NB More than one letter may be correct for each answer.

9 Which people/organizations are involved in the Haydon housing project?

A A private company

B The government

C A housing association

D Co-operatives

10 Which facilities will Mr Glass use at the Haydon housing project?

A The cinema

B The shopping centre

C The golf course

D The fitness centre

Section 2

Question 11-20

Q. 11

11 What does EEA stand for? ____________

Q. 12-16

Complete the following notes using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

Stamp Applies to Conditions
none EEA citizens none
restriction on working non-EEA citizens – course lasts more than 6 months 12____________ you can work a maximum of 20 hours per week unless work placement is an essential part of course.

Cannot run own business or work as a professional sportsperson or entertainer.

Cannot hold a
13____________ position but can do fulltime, short-term work during holidays.

Cannot automatically include 14____________ as evidence of ability to support yourself financially.

prohibition on working non-EEA citizens – course lasts 6 months or less Not allowed to work at all. May apply to have it changed.

If you can provide evidence that you will be
15 ____________ passport stamp will normally be changed.

Illegal to
16____________ before getting stamp changed.

Q. 17-20

Complete the following notes using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

The spouse or child of a non-EEA student can work if they have a stamp that doesn’t
17____________ However, they may not run 18____________ Government
19____________ on working after completion of your studies may change in the near future. Special rules apply to 20____________

Section 3

Question 21-30

Q. 21-23

Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

21 Things that seem exciting and fascinating can later seem ____________ according to Ali and Jatinder.

22 Even people from cultures that have ____________ lifestyles to those in the UK can suffer from culture shock.

23 Jatinder didn’t attend an ____________ because her parents wouldn’t let her go early.

Q. 24-26

Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

24 Which member of the academic staff can help with culture shock, according to Ali? ____________

25 What scheme does Jatinder talk about? ____________

26 What does Ali say Katarina should do regarding her family? ____________

Q. 27-30

Complete the following sentences using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

27 The ____________ may also have information about national or cultural groups outside the university.

28 Ali suggests that staying ____________ can help overcome culture shock.

29 Katarina decides to register at the ____________

30 For religious people, the student union has a register of ____________

Section 4

Question 31-40

Q. 31-34

Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

31 Which course is this one based on? ____________

32 What doesn’t the course cover? ____________

33 What two items does each participant receive? ____________

34 Can non-professionals take the course?____________

Q. 35 and 36

Complete the notes on the benefits of the course, using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each gap.

a quick insight into modern electronics

emphasis on practical devices and systems

assumes no 35____________

can function as a 36____________, hands-on simulations

a certificate of completion

Q. 37-40

Complete the following information on the course content, using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap.

Unit 1 37____________
Unit 2 Ohm’s Law
Unit 6 38____________ inductors, and transformers
Unit 8 39____________ Semiconductors
Unit 10 40____________ and further applications


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