IELTS Speaking Part 2 Questions

Parties/ events/ celebrations


Part 2

Describe an event that you attended recently

You should say:

What and where the occasion was

Who was there

What happened

Describe how you enjoyed it


Part 2 

Describe a holiday that you have celebrated recently

You should say:

What the purpose of the holiday is
Who you celebrated with
Why this holiday is important to you

Describe some activities that you did as part of the celebration


Part 2

Describe a festival that is celebrated in your country

You should say:

When you celebrate it
Why it is celebrated
How people in your country celebrate it

How do you feel during this festival?


Part 2

Describe a party that you attended recently

You should say:

What and where the occasion was

Who was there

What happened

And describe how you enjoyed it

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Food/ Restaurants


Part 2

describe your favourite meal

What’s in the meal?

How often do you have it?

Who prepares it?

How do you feel when you have it?


Part 2

Tell me about an embarrassing experience you’ve had with food.

Where did the incident happen?

What was the problem and what happened?

How did you feel about the incident?

Band 9 Audio and Tapescript Sample Answer:
Tell me about an embarrassing experience you’ve had with food. 


Part 2

Talk about a restaurant you like to go to 

You should say:

Where it is
What the restaurant looks like, in and out
What kind of food they sell and what kind of food you order
Why you like the restaurant.

When is a good time to go?

Band 9 Audio and Tapescript Sample Answer:
Talk about a restaurant you like to go to. 


Part 2

Tell me about a particularly good meal you had. 

You should say :

Where you were 
Who you were with 
What you had

Why did you enjoy it so much? 

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Part 2

I’d like you to tell me about someone you think is important

You should say: 

Who it is

Why you think he/she is important?

Describe him/her

Band 9 Audio and Tapescript Sample Answer:

Someone you think is important.


Part 2

Describe a famous person from your country

You should say:

What this person is famous for
How people in your country feel towards him/her
How you feel towards this person


Part 2

Describe a person you admire in your life.

You should say:

Who this person is

How you know them

What qualities they possess that you admire

What they have accomplished or done that you find impressive

How they have influenced your life

And explain why this person is important to you.


Part 2

Describe a person who has had a significant impact on your life.

You should say:

Who this person is

How you know them

What they have done for you that has had an impact

What you have learned from this person

How your life has changed as a result of their influence

And explain why this person is important to you.

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Part 2

Describe a gift or present that someone gave you recently

You should say:

What the occasion was

Who gave it to you

What it looked like

Explain how you felt about receiving it


Part 2 

Describe a gift you have received that was important to you. 

You should say: 

Who gave it to you. 

What it looks like and how you use it

Why is it important to you


Part 2

Describe a possession that is important to you.

You should say where you got it from.
What you do with it.
Why it’s important to you.

How you would feel if you were to lose it.

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Part 2

Describe something difficult you learned to do.

You should say:

– What you learned to do

– How you learned to do it

– Why it was difficult

And explain whether you’re glad you learned to do this or not.

Band 9 Audio and Tapescript Sample Answer:

Describe something difficult you learned to do


Part 2

Describe a teacher from your past that you remember

You should say: 

What class the teacher taught and how old you were.
What the teacher’s special qualities and characteristics were. 

Why you remember this teacher. 


Part 2

Describe a subject you enjoyed at school

You should say:

How old you were
Why you liked it.
if you found it easy or difficult


Part 2

Describe a project or assignment you completed in school that you are proud of.

You should say:

What the project or assignment was

When and where you completed it

How you went about completing the project or assignment

What you learned from completing the project or assignment

Why you are proud of this project or assignment

And explain how this project or assignment has influenced your education or your life.


Part 2

Describe a course or subject you wish you had taken in school.

You should say:

What the course or subject is

Why you did not take it at the time

Why you wish you had taken it

How this course or subject could have helped you in your personal or professional life

Whether you plan to pursue this course or subject in the future

And explain how taking this course or subject could have impacted your education or your life.

The Environment/ nature


Part 2

Describe a plant in your country that you think is very important.

What is it?

Where is it grown?

How is it used?

Why is it important to your country?


Part 2

talk about a time when you visited a natural park 

Say who you were with
Describe the park
When you went
What you did there 

How you felt while you were there


Part 2

Tell me about an outdoor activity you enjoy

You should say:

What the activity is.
Where you do it.
if you do it alone or not

How you feel when you do this activity.



Part 2

Describe a time when you or someone you know did something wrong

Who were you with?

Where were you?

What happened?

How did you feel about this incident?

Hobbies and interests


Part 2

Describe a hobby you enjoyed when you were a child

What was the hobby?

How old were you?

How often did you do it?

Why did you enjoy it?


Part 2

Talk about a game you used to play 

You should:

Explain the game
Say who you used to play it with
Say where you used to play it
Say how often you played it
Say why you liked the game 


Part 2

Describe a sport you liked to play when you were a child.

You should say:

What the sport was.
Where you played it
Who you played it with

Why you liked playing this sport.


Part 2

Describe a sport you like watching on TV

You should say:

What the sport is
When you watch it
If you watch it alone or with other people

Why you like watching it.


Part 2

Describe a sport you would like to play in the future

You should say:

What the sport is
When you first became interested in it
Why you don’t play it now.

Why you would like to play it.


Part 2

Describe a hobby you have now.

You should say:

How often you do it
When you started
What the hobby involves

How you feel when you do it


Part 2 

Describe a competition you participated in. 

You should say

What the competition was
Who was involved
Any moments that stand out
How you did

How did you feel once it was over?

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Part 2

Describe a relative who you are like.

Describe them physically
Describe their personality
Why you think you two are alike.

How do you feel when you two are together.



Part 2

Describe a close friend from your childhood  

You should say:

Where you met this person
Why you liked him/her
What you used to do together 

Do you still have contact with them, why, or why not?,

Decisions/ memories


Part 2

Describe a decision that you made that was important to your life.

You should say:

What the decision was.
Who you were with when you made it
The consequences of your decision

How you felt after you had made it.


Part 2

Tell me an important piece of advice you were given.

You should say:

When you received the advice.
Where you were
Who gave it to you.

If you followed the advice.


Part 2 

Describe a photograph of you that you like. 

You should say:

where it was taken

when it was taken

who took it

and explain why you like it.


Part 2

Describe a funny story that happened to you. 

You should say:

When it happened

Where you were

Who you were with 

What happened 

How you felt after


Part 2

Describe a time when you did something well 

What did you do?
Was it difficult?
How did you feel about it afterwards?

Important buildings


Part 2

Describe a museum that you visited

Where the museum is
What’s in the museum
Who you went with

How was your overall experience?


Part 2

Describe an important building in your country

You should say:
What the building looks like
What the building is used for and why it’s important
When it was built

Would you like to visit this building?

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Work


Part 2

Describe a job you would like to have

You should say:

What the job involves
What qualifications you need

Why you would like to have this job

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Part 2

Describe a memorable day you had at work

You should say:

When and where it was
Who you were with 
What happened and it was memorable

How you felt after. 


Part 2

Describe your first day at work

You should say:

When it was
What the job was
What happened
How you were feeling 

if you think this was a good or a bad first day


Part 2

Describe a job that you have had in the past.

You should say:

What the job was
When and where you had the job
What your responsibilities were
How you felt about the job

And explain why you decided to leave the job or why you would like to leave the job.


Part 2

Describe a difficult work situation that you have faced in the past and how you overcame it.

You should say:

What the situation was

When and where it occurred

What you did to resolve the situation

How you felt about the experience

And explain what you learned from this experience and how it has helped you in your work since.


Part 2

Describe a memorable coworker that you have worked with in the past.

You should say

Who the coworker was

When and where you worked with them

What their job was

What made them memorable

How they influenced your work experience

And explain why you remember this coworker and what you learned from them.


Part 2

Describe a time when you had to work in a team to achieve a common goal.

You should say:

What the goal was

When and where it occurred

Who was in the team

What your role in the team was

What challenges you faced and how you overcame them

And explain what you learned from this experience and how it has helped you in your work since.


Part 2

Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision at work.

You should say:

​What the decision was

When and where it occurred

What factors influenced your decision

How you arrived at your decision

What the outcome was

And explain what you learned from this experience and how it has helped you in your work since.

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Trips


Part 2

Tell me about a trip you went on that you enjoyed.

You should say:

Where you went
Where you stayed
Who you went with

What did you do there?


Part 2 

Describe a trip you would like to take in the future.

You should say:

Where you would like to go on this trip

What you would like to do and see on this trip

Why you would like to take this trip

Who you would like to go with (if anyone)

When you would like to take this trip

And explain what preparations you would need to make for this trip.

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Your neighbourhood


Part 2

Describe your neighbourhood

You should say:

What it looks like
What you can find there
What you like to do there

How do you feel about your neighbourhood?


Part 2 

Describe a place of interest in your neighbourhood.

You should say:

What the place of interest is

Where it is located in your neighbourhood

What it looks like

What activities or events take place at this place of interest

Why this place of interest is significant or interesting to you

And explain whether you would recommend this place of interest to others.


Part 2

Describe a local business in your neighbourhood.

You should say:

What the business is and what it sells or provides

Where the business is located in your neighbourhood

What the atmosphere of the business is like

How long the business has been operating

Why this business is significant or interesting to you

And explain whether you would recommend this business to others.

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Housework


Part 2

Tell me about a household chore that you enjoy or hate doing. 

You should say:

What the chore is
When and why you do it
How often you have to do it

Why you enjoy or hate doing it. 


Part 2

Describe a time when you had to clean something that was particularly difficult to clean.

You should say:

What the item was

Why it was difficult to clean

What tools or methods you used to clean it

How long it took you to clean it

How you felt after completing the cleaning

IELTS Speaking Part 2: TV and Entertainment


Part 2

Tell me about a program you enjoy watching

You should say:

What the program is
What time it’s on
How often you watch it
if you watch it with someone else

Why you enjoy watching it


Part 2

Describe a TV show or movie that you recently watched.

You should say:

What the TV show or movie was

What the storyline was about

Who the main characters were

Why you enjoyed or didn’t enjoy watching it

Whether you would recommend it to others


Part 2

Describe a live performance or concert you attended and enjoyed.

You should say:

What the performance or concert was

Who the performers were

What the venue was like

What your favorite part of the performance was

How you felt during and after the performance

Would you go again?


Part 2

Describe a video game that you enjoy playing.

You should say:

What the video game is called

What type of game it is (e.g. action, adventure, puzzle)

Who developed and published the game

What the objective of the game is

Why you enjoy playing it

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Cinema


Part 2

Tell me about a trip to the cinema that was memorable

You should say:

What you watched
Who you went with
Why you wen

Why it was a memorable experience


Part 2

Describe a movie that made you think deeply.

You should say:

What the movie was called

What the plot of the movie was

What themes or issues the movie explored

How the movie made you think deeply

Whether you would recommend it to others

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Machines


Part 2

Tell me about an important machine in the home

You should say:

What it is
Who uses it
Why it’s important

How do you feel about this machine?


Part 2

Describe a machine that you find interesting.

You should say:

What the machine is

What it does

How it works

Where you saw or learned about the machine

Why you find it interesting

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Houses


Part 2

Describe a house or apartment you would like to live in. 

You should say:

Where it is or where it would be
What you would like to do there
Who you would or would like to live there with

Why would you like to live in this place?


Part 2

Describe a house or apartment that you have lived in.

You should say:

Where the house/apartment was located

What the house/apartment looked like

What kind of rooms and features it had

Who you lived with

What your experience living there was like

IELTS Speaking Part 2: Animals


Part 2

Describe an interesting animal you have seen. 

You should say:

What animal it was
When and where you saw it

Explain how you feel about this animal


Part 2 

Describe your favourite animal.

You should say:

What the animal is

What it looks like

What its behavior is like

Where it lives

Why it is your favorite animal


Part 2

Describe a pet you know 

You should say:

What it is 
Whose it is
What it looks like
How it behaves 

and how you feel about this pet


Part 2

Describe an experience you had with animals.

You should say:

What kind of animal(s) were involved

Where and when the experience took place

What happened during the experience

How you felt about the experience


Part 2

Describe a wild animal you have seen in its natural habitat.

You should say:

What kind of animal it was

Where and when you saw it

What the animal was doing

How you felt about the experience

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